Drama Movement Therapist
Hi, my name is Sylvie Wilson.
I'm an older woman with a wide experience of life and travel.
I am a survivor of child and adult trauma.
I am a mother to one son and I have 3 grandsons.
I work with children, young people and adults. I can work online and in person.
I offer walk and talk therapy.
'Sylvie is a brave and sensitive practitioner who has much to offer the field. She has a rich supply of creative and therapeutic resources which will enable you to fulfil your potential and allow for deeply satisfying experiences in clinical practise.'
Jo James (Sesame Course Leader)
Professional Training
A senior social worker in a complex adult team for many years.
I am a registered therapist and certified creative practitioner. I am registered with The Health and Social Care Professional Council.
Graduated from Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (moving on to practise as a drama & movement therapist.)
Certified advanced practitioner Psyche and Soma, including training to work online.
Trained in breathwork with Art of Living.
I keep updated with training and have regular supervision.
City and Guilds Adult Education Teachers Certificate Stages 1 & 2
Diploma in Social work and applied social studies. Post qualifying Award in social work
Hammersmith and Fulham People Award in community services.
Role as Senior Social Worker working in Adult complex team.
Foundation course for self development Revision of counselling and psychotherapy in
Certificate in Counselling skills for children (using the Arts).
The Institute for Arts and Therapy and Education. The Centre for child mental health.
Certificate in grief and lifetime work.
Advanced Dementia training @ Social services.
Communication skills stage 1 signing for sensory impairment.
Counselling skills and studies Level 2.
The counselling & Psychotherapy central awarding body.
Theoretical Influences
And theory In my practise include...
Marion Lindvist founder of the Sesame Approach drama and movement therapy.
Person centred approach Carl Rogers.
Peter Slade - Child drama.
Carl Gustav Jung - Symbols, dreams and Archetypes.
James Hillman - Myths and Legends.
Audrey Wetherd - Dance and movement in Dramatherapy
Winnicott - Object relations.
Rudolf Laban Movement and dance.
Mary Smail, Patt Watts and Jenny Pearson, Drama therapy with Myth and fairy tales for all ages.

Sylvie Wilson
Tel: 07758 26 53 51